National Links Trust Podcast
National Links Trust Podcast
2023 Symposium on Municipal Golf: Partnerships and Community Engagement Panel | Episode 21
This episode of the National Link Trust Podcast features a recording from the 2023 Symposium on Municipal Golf. Azucena Maldonado, Founder of the Latina Golfers Association, moderates a discussion on Partnerships and Community Engagement. National Links Trust's Andrew Szunyog, who oversees our volunteer and sustainability programs, is one of the panelists, and is joined by Dave Andrews, Director of The Path at The Park West Palm (FL) and Maria Stroup, Senior Vice President of Education, Social Responsibility and Community Engagement at the Cobbs Creek Foundation (PA). This group uses their diverse experiences in golf, non-profits, and education to have an insightful discussion on how municipal golf facilities can better serve and engagement with their local communities.
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